Tuesday, 17 April 2012


Welcome to my blog! This is your place to keep up with 40 Below Photography's current projects and check out some older works that I am rather fond of. I, by the way, am Kimberley Crawford. I'm an amateur photographer living in Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada's north western corner. 40 Below Photography is my new project - a way for me to be creative and take photos that both my clients and myself love, as well as hopefully making a little money while doing so. ;)

I love taking photos in many genres: landscape, still life, portraits, pinup, boudoir, and fetish (and I'm probably forgetting a handful of others). My goal is to focus mostly on creative portraits for the time being.

As this is not a full time job for me and only a way of making art and a little extra cash to pay for new gear for my hobby, I'm up for pretty much any style of portraits you can think of. I love really creative and unique concepts, so if you have a cool idea you'd like to bring to life, I'm up for whatever! You want to dress like a sexy werewolf, go right ahead, I'll work with that. Have a idea for a great artistic nude shoot you'd like? I'm up for it if you are! Have something goofy you'd like to try? Let's do it.

I'm all about the fun of taking photos. Sure I'd like to be able to make my hobby pay for itself, but I'm mainly just an artist wanting to work with other artistic people to create amazing things.

I will post any dates that I will be traveling to other cities or countries, so if you want to work together, please do get in touch so we can figure something out.


(PS: I'm also a clothing designer, which keeps me very busy. I only have a few days a month available for shooting, so I can't do many shoots each month. BUT... because I am a designer, I am also willing to bring clothing for our shoot if you so desire.)

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